Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Got an early morning call from my second grandson, Alex. "Grandma I got my mission call and I'm going to Brazil in April!" I knew it was coming and how can anything so good feel so bad at the time? Of course, I cried.....not because he is going, we prayed he would, but because that is so far away and two years seems so long and because I always cry when I am happy! My cousin's son and her nephew both went to Brazil and loved it, as many of William's fraternity brothers have also had their missions in Brazil. It will be the perfect place and he will learn portugese and be a wonderful missionary. I never had boys so this is a first for me. I also have four more potential missionaries coming suck it up cupcake and enjoy. He is a precious boy and has always had so much charisma. A quiet, hard worker that the people in South America will be lucky to know. He will miss the snow and snowmobiling, but in two years we will still be having snow in Utah!!!! Good luck, my sweet, sweet boy my love and heart will be with you, and I am so proud of your decision. How did you grow up so fast?

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