Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween to ya' all out there!  To me it is just another day in the land of Zion, but the kids are excited.  We don't have trick or treaters back in our Condo Unit, so I don't buy all that good candy that I could munch on for weeks afterwards.  A little rain is forecast but should be  fun night for the kids......I remember some years when it was so cold and stormy and the kids so bundled you couldn't even see their cute costumes. This year no fun trip to the grade school to watch one of the grand kids in their room by room march through the lunch room, to show off the many different ideas that the little ones have......Scottie moved up to middle school this year.  I do have lots of fun memories though of the years gone by.
No, this isn't Pam and I dressing up for Halloween......We are dressed for the 1K mile race at Nicci's wedding.......even though we would easily fit into any Halloween night costume party????
Happy Halloween for Rob......he is off having a colonoscopy.  And oh yes, the Boston Red Socks won the championship last night.

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