Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Had a good day with one of my bridge clubs.....Brunch and bridge took most the day as usual.  Seems everyone has a story to tell.  The big new was Mae's 2 year old granddaughter had a heart transplant two weeks ago......and so far doing very good with it.  She read  a touching letter her daughter had written to the Donner's family.....of course she didn't know who they were, what age their child was or even if it was a boy or a girl.  The social worker will just pass it on to them and they may or may not wish to know the lucky family that got their child's heart. Stories like that make me know my troubles are nothing......compared to many others.  My heart is full of gratitude for all my blessings.
I know those who are convinced that there's no greater power outside of ourselves but have often silently prayed "please help this plane to land safely", " please help my child to be safe or get well" , shouldn't there be a mirror impulse of "thank you" when the good thing you ask for happens.  I believe that acknowledging the fact that there is some power beyond yourself opens you up in unique way.  Human beings are not static, and the direction of your thoughts deeply shapes the kind of person you are becoming.  I believe prayer helps you become your best possible self.
"Life is not easy for any of us.  BUT WHAT OF THAT?  We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted, for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained." (Marie Curie)

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