Monday, October 28, 2013


This is Korina Northcott Elliott..........One of my favorite nieces.  She gave me a fun surprise for Halloween.......a fun card and a box of goodies she had made.....I especially liked the rubber gloves filled with goodies and tied at the top with a ribbon...  She is very talented and is showing, real signs of being related to me and her grandma Hazel Yeomans!  She loves old things....antiques, garage sales, swaps meets, thrift stores etc.  Always looking for something old to use again in another way......or just cherish it's "oldness" like my mother did and I still do. I am sad my Saturday morning garage sales are ending......just to cold in the winter. Thank you Kina for remembering your old aunt in Salt Lake, it is having family like you that care that keeps me going.
  At times of EXTRAORDINARY joy or surprise, shock or sorrow, emotions  are difficult to express.  We just can't seem to find the right words to say how we feel. Similarly, there may be times when you find it impossible to thank someone because you don't know what to say.  You yearn to reveal your inmost thoughts to a person,, but words that come to mind fall short of your true feelings and fail to get to the bottom of your true emotions. However, this is not a good excuse to not try and let them know how much you appreciate their time and effort.
"When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside.  It is as though something inside your body responds and says Yes, this is how I ought to feel."  (Rabbi Kushner)

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