Thursday, October 24, 2013


What haunts you?  This is the time of year "haunted" is used a lot......mostly in connection with Halloween which is a week away. What am I haunted by......well really quite a few things.  I am haunted by what Obama care will do to our health system, by the thought that eventually my kids won't let me drive, that my health will change, that something terrible will happen as my kids 'FLY' around the country......Oh, I could go on and on but I just have to say this too will pass when bumps appear in my life.......and remember to enjoy every minute of my life when its 'all good'.
PAST LIVES......."There are many ways to be haunted, not all of them supernatural.  From photo albums to love letters, the memory of bad choices, broken promises, lost loves, and shattered dreams can often linger far longer than the glow of satisfaction from our greatest accomplishments.  Indeed, the most frightening ways to be haunted may be in the many ways we haunt ourselves!"
Played the last two days so today is get some 'to dos' crossed off my list like take GIGI to the groomer, buy stamps, cover the patio furniture etc.  Our nice weather is suppose to end Monday and I am baby sitting the Cooks all weekend.

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