Monday, October 21, 2013

Yep, it's Monday again........

Honestly, when your not working Mondays are good........but I love this picture......I know for working people, weekends just aren't long enough.
THOUGHT OF THE DAY.......God often removes a person from your life for your protection......Think about that before you go running after them!
I find one thing common with friends my age we need quiet times or time alone......Of course, I adore my family and friends, but to be truly happy I need some alone time also.  And I refuse to feel guilty about that.  It doesn't have to be hours, just a short time.   I love to sit on the patio in the cool evenings and listen to the crickets and frogs, listen to the neighborhood noises and watch the stars pop out.  I slip upstairs to my favorite recliner and watch my favorite TV show...or sit quietly and knit a few rows or read a few chapters in a good book......or play a game on the computer.  Some people take long walks......not me!  Many people however shrink from being alone. They confuse solitude with loneliness......they are not the same thing.....don't feel if your not doing something are lazy.  Nope, you need to be alone with no stress and only your thoughts now and then in some quiet time.  Young mothers and older people voice this request more often.....
Another busy week is shaping and lunch with a friend tomorrow.  Wednesday brunch and bridge. Thursday dog groomed and chores. Weekend tending the Cook grandchildren and when I turn around.....Yes, it will be Monday again.  But, Mondays are special when I hear from both my missionaries...........

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