Sunday, October 13, 2013


You can never replace the connections you have with families.....Cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces and children of the above.  Last night I spent a warm and enjoying evening with my favorite cousin and two of her daughters......Becky and Shannon..  We went to see BRIGADOON at the Hale Theater.  One of the main stars was my nephews son, Chase Ramsey. When anyone you are related to succeeds the honor and pride is passed through you all just like the blood lines you share.  Chase was so cute and did such a good job and was so appreciative that Lucille and I would come. Saw Chase's wife Vanessa and her parents sat in front of us.  Chase's adopted family were also there to support him.....The Holcombs. Lucille and I grew up 18 miles apart an I was only 9 days older than she we share much.....However with her big family of six children and 19 grandchildren plus significant others......even great-grandkids we don't get to see each other much.... but thanks to the telephone we touch base every week.  .Oh yes my three children and 9 grandkids also are my priority. So a fun relaxing evening together was a treat.......and at 81 we never know how many more we will have to enjoy.

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