Thursday, October 17, 2013


Well, I have been alone all week as the Pannier's are off to Mexico and Island Park so I am back to my favorite 4 food groups!!!!  Yes, canned, boxed, bagged and frozen????......well maybe I should also add Drive Inns.  I have always contended eating is expensive, time consuming and a waste of time.....unless you are enjoying the company of a friend or family.....and because it is necessary for life!  I made it clear a long time ago....after my divorce and my girls were married......I wouldn't even have a kitchen, but it came with the house!
The time in my life is passing very fast.  When you're young, you're doing many things for the first time, and your brain notes them as particularly memorable---so when you look back at those years, they seem to have lasted forever.  As you get older, you are having fewer novel experiences, so it's easier for the days to slip by.  So we need to keep making new memories---we need to keep learning, traveling, reaching out and having new experiences.  How many "my firsts" have you had this week, this month, this year?  I have had quite a few, and each time I try to record them in my memory. I realize I can't harness the time-space continuum, but for now maybe this is he next best thing!  I also think the sooner you start to number your days, the better you'll live the days that you have left.  My friend sent an email of some beautiful pictures taken around the world.....brought back so many memories this I said to myself.  "Betty, this is it.  All you have is the here and now, and my here is great.  Enjoy it!"
Last night I went to the Brighton football game with the Cooks.  It is probably the last time I will see Annie cheer, they have one more game and the Cooks will be out of town and I will be baby sitting so probably won't go alone.  The last three years have been fun and reminded me of the good times I enjoyed being a cheer-leader in High School. The weather was frosty fall football weather.......

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