Monday, October 14, 2013


We so take our wonderful bodies for granite!  I believe in some instances we can heal ourselves......and there are those out there that seem to have given us a map as to how to do it. With this picture came instructions on what and how to help do it.......1.  Determine the affected area.  2.  Practice twice daily.  3.  Press appropriate area with thumb for 5 seconds.  5.  Time for 2 minutes (not less).  6.  For maximum relief, repeat daily for  week to 10 days.  7.  If more than one area needs attention, do each area separately. (An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.)
Our brain is more complex than the world's most powerful computer.  It is responsible for everything we think ,see, hear, feel, smell or do.  It even creates and directs all our emotions. The brain is divided into different areas that direct different parts of our body.  Like a complex computer, all the different parts of the brain work at the same time......I think every child is exposed to all this in school even though at the time neurons, dendrites, and axons are just words we have to learn for a test.....but they are all "US".  This is all very interesting to me now.
A rainy Monday morning and I have a long "to-do" list for the week.  Also this is P-day for my missionaries....YES!

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