Friday, October 11, 2013


The road in life is paved with good intentions.......or something like that!.......I did do a little swimming this summer and I really depend on my "Retail Therapy" trips to keep me moving......that's shopping to you. If I go up and down every isle at Costco, Target, Walmart etc.  I get in a few miles pushing the cart.  It passes the time, I enjoy the people, and even if I don't end up buying anything, at least I have been moving and breathing .......and not sweating! I was a faithful exerciser for many years, but all good things come to an end, and my end has come. Yep, it has been about five years since I even had the thought, but I haven't taken the word out of my vocabulary. I do have some crazy 'RED NECK' relatives that really flaunt it... My son-in-law and oldest grandson for example.....they even dress for  it!  Oh, I think I have a shirt like that????
"To compose our character is our duty.....Our great and glorious masterpiece is to live appropriately.  All other things, To rule, To lay up treasure, To build, are at most but little appendices and props." (Michael De Montaigne)

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