Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chapter #6.....around the world......

THE GREAT WALL OF have to see it to believe it and I have been lucky enough to have walked on it! Yes, we took pictures and there are many, but you have to share it with others, see it, feel it,  to know how great it really is.  My trip to Beijing China with my sister and Cox's was a dream come true.  The history, Tenn
imon Square, ponds, beautiful gardens and water features..  Interesting food also.......and the!  From Beijing we flew to Xi'an to be treated to the Terracotta Soldiers lined up by the dozens.  We also had the privilege of meeting one of the farmers whose land the graves were discovered on.  I bought one of his books and he personally signed it.  Another lucky day for me in my exciting life of travel.
         I did not see where the Great Wall ends, but often wondered how they knew when to quit building it.  This is the end of the GREAT WALL!  To me it is one of the great wonders of the world, when I think of the time put in and the people involved it blows your mind.  I hope my children get to see it someday.

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