Thursday, October 17, 2013


As I mark of the days of my life's calendar, I realize I no longer will be hopping around the world to view the many wonderful and wonderous sights and places out there----and I am thankful for the photographers who make it possible for me to continue to enjoy the sights of the world from my rocking chair at home.......bringing back many memories of the places I have been... in.over 100 countries and 48 states!
Burma.....also Myanmar......was always a dream of mine and when we walked across that bridge from Thailand into it, all the sounds, sights, smells and monks in orange, I knew I had arrived. We toured temples and the home of some of the monks.  They live very humbly and the temple was surrounded by dogs, hungry, sick, lonesome......but being feed by the good monks.  I also bought a small sparrow from a little boy for a few cents.  He had several birds in a little cage and for a small charge you could pick one, make a wish and he would set it free to fly off and make your wish come true???? I think I wished this little boy would make enough money from the tourist to help feed his family that night.  Also, the shopping was great........ Funny what you remember.......not the big beautiful buildings and scenery, but the people and their random acts of kindness.

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