Saturday, October 12, 2013

I CAN DO THAT........

I can do that.....who hasn't lived to regret those four little words?  I am one of those people who are convinced 'I can do anything'......maybe not as well as someone else, but it never hurts to try!  As I thumb through Martha Steward or flip through Pinterest......they promise all those fabulous ideas that are very enticing 'are easy'....and I figure if someone else did it I can.  I just found a couple of web sites that help you from feeling a complete failure when your project turns out to be a real eyesore not fit for a back-alley dumpster. will make you feel a lot better.  Not to be discouraged when you decide to stencil a white paisley pattern on a burgundy patio umbrella.  The umbrella turned out looking a if it were a roost to a dozen pigeons with diarrhea.  Worst the paint seeped through the drop cloths and stained the porous patio pavers.  This wouldn't happen to Martha!!! If you are a 'do-it-yourself er one thing to learn is .....the greatest tool we have is failure'.......When we succeed with the first try we don't give much thought to why we succeeded.  But when we fail, we get all this valuable information about why things don't work......I have lots of that kind of information. Desperate????? Do a gone-wrong Google.  In addition to looking online at gorgeous examples of DIY drapes or outdoor projects or whatever your desire.  Look for the ugly results,...... so you know what could happen and what to avoid.......And if you mess up, well celebrate the failure and try again.

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