Monday, October 21, 2013

Chapter #4...Kota Kinabalu....around the world

KOTA KINABALU located in East Malaysia on the northwest coast of Borneo facing the So China Sea.   Known as KK internationally, it is a major fishing destination and popular gateway to Borneo. My very first cruise with Nadine Lyngle (both newly divorced), took me there to see a complete eclipse of the sun.......sooo exciting. A beautiful part of the world so far from my home in Salt Lake City. I did not get to explore the country side long enough, but the culture, people, shopping and excitement will always be special to me. I remember the sunset as we pulled out and the small fishing vessels scattered around near the homes on stilts close to where we had docked.  I felt very lucky to have been to this interesting of my first of many to come......I was 56 years old.

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