Friday, October 18, 2013

Chapter 2....60 years around the world!

The top castle is In Werfen, Austria.....It is quite well preserved, but rather space inside.  When your growing up you think about the king and queens in their fancy clothes and all their servants that live in these castles and rule the land.  As you wonder through them you realize how cold they really were....... I am so glad some castles  have been preserved for us and our children and grand-children to see there were such a thing as a real castle.....
Now the castle of my dreams was the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany.  It is the castle that Disney Land copied for Disney Land.  I have been through it four times and I discover a new treasure every time. Don and I saw it first, then took his brother and sister-in-law, then when the twins were 9, we spent their 9th birthday at the foot of the castle in a little town called Fussin and went through with them.  Then my sister and a family group visited it after I was divorced.  I have never been there when there was snow. It is the castle of all castle as far as I am concerned.  At the foot of the mountain it is on, is a fun little village with wonderful food and shopping.. Ludwig's castle has such interesting history with such a sad ending.  He hardly lived in this one, but had several. There are many castles in Germany you can see as you take a Rhine River Cruise........which I have done a couple of times!

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