Friday, October 25, 2013


Am I impressed by Royalty?.....Well, I loved Diana and her children.  I won't voice my opinion of Charles! Now that William is all grown up and has a beautiful wife and darling baby I am hooked.  I like Queen Elizabeth and hope I live long enough to see who is to follow her, but know eventually it will be William and then George.  Someday as my great-grandchildren read this they will enjoy these pictures maybe. Also love that in this day of Face book, emails etc, these wonderful pictures are available to everyone. 
London's celebrities...... or who's who's........Queen and Prince Phillip.  Charles with the wicked step mother (Camilla). William's brother, Kate's sister and brother and parents with William, Kate and baby George. Very special day when George was Christened.
A busy weekend babysitting my sweet Cook kids.  Panniers off to Island Park for the weekend.  Spent yesterday worrying about my dog.  Dropped her off at the groomers  (Petco)  for a bath and clean up at 11;30......After several calls I finally got to pick her up at 7:00......not good!  I am considering changing groomers! Beautiful Fall weather is suppose to hold through the weekend...yea.

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