Saturday, October 19, 2013


Our state is turning into a wonderland of colors.....yellows and oranges and reds dominating the landscape on every side.  Up early and off to watch Scottie my youngest grandchild play football on his 12th was grandparent's day and I helped Karrie make hot chocolate, hot coffee and she picked up the doughnuts.  There was a lot of food and many proud grandparents strung along the sidelines in the warm fall sunshine proudly cheering on their favorite player. Scott's dad is one of the assistant coaches so it is quite a family affair! They are off to fun and games to finish up the big day.  It seems being a "big football hero" starts early and is a good goal for any little boy.  Besides girls love boys on the football team, but when you think about it ........"We have the whole concept of popularity backward.  We imagine it as a small and exclusive club of people we idolize or envy.  But most popular people are hated by the majority.  So, if you are despised by everyone outside your little clique, and liked only by those inside it, you are vastly unpopular by any objective measure. The key to ultimate popularity is not to be loved or envied by as may as people as possible but to be loved or envied by the right people."  I hope my little football hero realizes this sometime along the way.
Well, now to get serious and finish the laundry and do some yard work.

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