Monday, October 28, 2013

Chapter #8.......around the world....

GALAPAGOS ISLANDS....... include the following........Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Baltra,,  Isabela and Pinta.  These island are like no others and were so fun to visit.  Many tourist tour the islands on expensive ships they cruise around on.  Our group were on a very low budget tour.  We had a fun resort with bungalows on the water......only trouble......we left in the dark when the tide was out to board our ship, and got back to shore after dark........ where we had to wade in the tide back to our resort.  Our early morning wake up call was a rap on the front window, but they did have a shower and toilet!  One of my favorite experiences of this trip was to mail two post cards back to myself on one of the islands.  We picked up the cards left from the people before us to mail back to them when we got home.  The people who followed us picked up our cards and mailed them back to us when they got home.  One of my cards was from NYC and the other was mailed from Seattle.  That's how the mail system got started I guess. The wonderful array of wild life was everywhere and you just had to step over them or walk around them, they had no fear of people.  Seals, crabs, turtles, blue footed boobies (My favorite), iguanas  etc. It was this personal interaction with the birds and animals........not the scenery.......that I will always remember. There was also a very large museum of DRAWINS work that tied it all together.

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