Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Chapter #5....around the world......

QUITO, ECUADOR.......A favorite part of South America for me. They use our dollar and the prices for everything are great.  The people are interesting and friendly.  My favorite thing was the line that represents the Equator running right through it....this picture shows where you can stand with one foot in each hemisphere. Took many picture with my friends but had to fight a Russian delegation for front and center.......BUT, my favorite was a short day excursion to CAYAMBE, ECUADOR......THE CITY AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH!  Bet not many people have that honor.  Here there is a globe monument (representing the middle of the world).....in a spot where the road to Cayambe from Quito crosses the equator.  There is another " middle of the world monument"...... in Cayambe near Hacienda Guachala which explains in great detail the history of the equator line.  This monument was created by scientist Cristobal Cobo.
Such fun memories of this part of the world.....our tour guide stopped at a bakery....one of many.....and bought us some Bizcochos.  They are long thin yellowish biscuits made by hand in ovens like pizza ovens.  They are salty and go well with cheese. Also another wonderful sight was many, many nursery's of beautiful roses of every color.  Many are shipped to the U.S.  They charged us five cents a rose. 
From Quito we hopped over to the Galapagos Islands, but that's another chapter...........

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