Friday, October 18, 2013


No matter where you go, you hear stories of people's lives.  After a party, a meeting, any outing, when you come home you say "I wouldn't trade their problems for mine!"  Everyone has a cross to bear in their lives.
       "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You are able to say to yourself,  "I lived through this horror.  I can take the next  thing that comes along."  ....You must do the thing you think you cannot do.  (Eleanor Roosevelt) 
       I cannot tell you the fear that enveloped me when my husband walked out on his family when I was 54.  I had never worked in the 30 years of our marriage, I had no idea if I could get a job at this age with no work experience, had no idea how you start dating again, I had to find us a new home and take out a mortgage, set up an IRA account, get insurance for myself, pay taxes, have the cars serviced and inspected, the kids stayed on his airline insurance until they finished college.  Make a home for two 18 year olds, who had to have cars and continue with their lives and education......and go on with my life in a stable, sensible manner.
           Now 27 years later I have gained strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which I fearfully stepped up and faced the fear of it.  I am here to tell all my suddenly single friends and acquaintances isn't always easy, but you too can do it.
           Today was a fun day with Karrie and early birthday celebration.  Brunch at IHOP and a movie.  Tomorrow is SCOT'S REAL birthday, a football game......special for grandparent! Then dinner Sunday at the Spaghetti Factory!!!!!  He will be 12.  Annie is in Calif. with the cheer-leaders. My life is good!

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