Friday, November 1, 2013


Well, welcome to NOVEMBER.........October was a beautiful month in Utah and hoping our good weather hangs on till Thanksgiving......This is my oldest granddaughter Tiffany Pannier/Horton........Yes, she is at work, but it's Halloween......and legal.  I bet this was the fastest day she ever got ready for work.  Out of bed....on to Trax and Good-morning everyone!  She looks really cute when she wakes up in the morning......and has always had neat costumes on Halloween.

This is my youngest granddaughter on the right...Andrea Cook.....she could break any cowboys fun to watch the kids jump in and enjoy life......and Halloween. We did not have any kids for 'trick or treat' had to enjoy cute costumes here.  Pam, Rob and I went to Market Street and celebrated Halloween!  They are off to Island Park for the weekend , so a good time to catch up with the bills, laundry and cleaning this weekend. Now to jump in and get ready for the next holiday......THANKSGIVING!

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