Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chapter #17......around the world

STONEHENGE.......of England.  Ann and I rented a car in England and drove through England, Scotland and Wales.  One of the highlights of my trip through England was Stonehenge......oh yes, and learning to drive on the left hand side of the road. We were fascinated by this place, the size and the mystery of these huge stones.  They think it was built between 3100-1100 BCE.
Stonehenge is an enigmatic prehistoric  monument located on a chalky plain north of the modern city of Salisburg, England.  It started 5,000 years ago and has been modified by ancient Britons over a period of 1,000 years.  Its purpose is not positive.....as no written records were left behind.
The circle of rocks was aligned with the mid summer sunrise, the mid winter sunset, and the most southerly rising and northerly setting of the moon.
Prior to 1950's  most archaeologists believed that Stonehenge's use had been limited to the ritual activities of different Neolithic chiefdom's.  However,  it is now known that Stonehenge had another equally important function, which was it's use as an astronomical observatory.  Close by were fields with strange designs made into them that were also very interesting that no one can explain.......I tell you folks......those Aliens were....are.....very interesting people.  We enjoyed our time there and took some fun pictures.

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