Friday, November 1, 2013

Chapter #10....around the worrld.....

This is the beautiful rebuilt city of WARSAW, POLAND.  When  we went to Poland we were some of the first people in after the war.......and there were still many shortages for their poor people.  We were with a group of airline people and when we went to buy cheese and bread for a snack..... and we had to stand in line with the could tell the people felt some hostility toward us for taking what meager supplies were available to them.  Their co-op had many bare shelves, they were still suffering.  I felt bad about it.  We enjoyed what old architect that was around and there were many statues of their leaders.  After several day we took a train to CRACOW....... where one night at dinner, Leift Leuensa (not sure of spelling) came in to dinner also with a big group of security people.   Don did shake hands with him.....years later he was made one of the leaders in Poland.  Next day we took a tour to AUSWITCH - BIRKENAIR.......This is something I WILL NEVER FORGET!  Why?  You can feel the sadness and evil as you walk through the front gate.  You are lead through this prison where thousand were gassed and killed by HITLER.......My children.....grandchildren......and great-grandchildren should read the history of this place and the wicked people responsible for killing so many Jews.  If this is hell.....I hope I am spared.  The gas furnaces.....the bins of the dead people's shoes, hair, suitcases, eye glasses, false teeth, and legs and arms......taken before they were gassed.  These many years later......I still cherish this as one of the "must sees" in the world.


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