Friday, November 29, 2013


I love, love this picture!  It's like the song 'I have the whole wide world in my hands'.......  I HAVEN'T BEEN EVERYWHERE.....BUT IT'S ON MY LIST!
I beg young people to travel.  If you don't have a passport......get one.  Take a summer, get a backpack and go to Delhi, go to Puckett, go to Bangkok, go to Sri Lanka.  Have your mind blown , eat interesting food, dig some interesting people, have an adventure, be careful. When you come back your going to see your country differently,  Music, culture, food, water, toilets and toilet paper are all different. Your going to see global climate change is very real.  And, that for some people their day consists of walking 12 miles for four buckets of water. And so there are lessons that you can't get out of a book that are waiting for you at the other end of that flight.  Americans and Europeans.....come home and go "Ohhhhhh" and the light bulb goes on.  I see where most my family have my Gypsy blood and they all love to travel.  No, I didn't graduate from college (only two years), but being a stewardess and marrying a pilot gave me a chance to start seeing the world.......after 30 years of that and a divorce......... my good friend was a travel agent and I was included in many deals with her which enabled me to continue traveling around the world.....yep, around 120 countries, 6 continents and 48 states.  No amount of book learning could be as great as the experiences I have had.
Karrie called and the Cooks and Christenson's are on their way home from St. Thomas, but have a three hour delay in South Carolina while they wait for new pilots to be flown the dogs get to stay another night as it will be very late when they arrive.  I can hardly wait to hear how their week was.....mine was great. Today was Black Friday and now we move on to Christmas......

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