Wednesday, November 6, 2013

WHAT PART OF N0.......

"WHAT PART OF 'NO' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND"?  Why can't some people take NO for an answer?  You say it as plain as you can and yet they give you 'BUT' and seem to pursue their requests! Good arguers know how persistence wears you down......your children for instance. After an hour of NOS you finally give in........for peace and quiet.......and your children know that.  Or the Bishop asks you to accept a calling, you grow up to think if the church asks, you have to say yes......or feel guilty or lose all those blessing you get for your volunteer work etc.  If you are not well, your schedules already full and then some, have a job that is demanding or you just don't feel qualified or even JUST DON'T WANT TOO.......SAY" NO."  I know it's easy to say to someone else, but how many times have you said yes, I'll take food, bring food, come to the meeting, call a dozen people and the list is long and you hate yourself for it afterwards.  If your heart isn't into a YES.....say NO.  As you get older it gets easier......I think?
I am so good at giving others advice, that I don't keep myself.....ha!
Sherrie and Ken are coming to town today.... and stay over night with me.......yea! Haven't seen Sherrie since Nicci's wedding.  The Cook children are qualifying to be certified in scuba diving.....and Ken is coming to town to help them.....he already has his certificate. They do it at the Crater at the Homestead.  Then off to St Thomas to enjoy it for Thanksgiving.  Sounds so fun.  Getting together for dinner with them.

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