Thursday, November 14, 2013

Chapter #15......around the world

From the Golden Triangle on my trip through Thailand and Burma we caught a long boat down the Mekong Delta River to a small village in Laos for an afternoon tour. Laos is a small country squeezed in between Burma, Viet Nam and Thailand.  Such interesting people and culture and they seem to eat every bug that moves.  They deep fry them like French fries????  There are many ethnic groups.  The little village we were in was not much more than small shacks with dirt trails leading off in many directions.  The little market had many bottles of liquor with strange looking animals floating in them. UGH.  I did buy a cute little turtle that opens up with a small compass inside. There were many Kodak Moments every where you look.  The people were as interested in us as we were in them.

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