Saturday, November 23, 2013

CAN'T HELP IT..........

AHHHH,,,,,I can't help but wish I was in St Thomas with my grandkids today among the sand, blue water and wonderful flowers.....watching them enjoy their beautiful vacation.  I have had some fun days on the beach and been to St Thomas several times .......I have left my foot prints there in the sand. I'm off to LUNCH with a dear friend from many years ago, Susan Holgreen.  Our husbands were airline pilots together,  Her husband is gone now......and so is mine kinda.......and it will be fun to reconnect and reminisce about our fun days learning to ski at Park City......the first year it opened.  Washed my hair, did two batches of laundry, turned on the dish washer, took out the garbage and tending two extra big dogs. My life has turned into VERY BUSY.  We are having bright sunny weather, but pretty cold.

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