Friday, November 15, 2013

CHAPTER #16......around the world

I loved, loved, loved this trip......the only thing missing was my roommate......Leslie's lawyer thought she should not go so the Cox's and I went without her.  The trip to the Holy Land made a big impression on me...... it made you stop and think of all the words and places mentioned in the Bible as you grew up were real.  I saw Mt. Nebo the most likely area where Jesus was and the Jordon river were Jesus was said to be  baptized.  I swam.....or floated..... in the Dead Sea.  In Jerusalem I put my prayer on a small piece of paper in a crack in the Wailing Wall.  At the Dead Sea we took the tram up to Masada and enjoyed the great story and history of that settlement.  I have a picture of me taken hugging the only tree up there.  Saw where Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Was enchanted by the old trees in the Garden of Gethsemane where we stopped for lunch......The Mount of Olives, The Garden Tomb and Mt Carmel.  Oh, so much to see and remember, but enjoyed a good feeling even though in some areas there were guards with guns stationed around. We drove by the mountains where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls were found.  There are many miles of desert with herds of sheep and goats and desert people.  I will never forget this wonderful trip.

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