Monday, November 18, 2013


HEY.......I am so excited!   I have three, yes three new high rise toilets..... and a new bigger water tank!........When you let your kids move in......and I know most of my friends have had this happen to them on and off and they are use to 'the best of the best'........they are so great to up-grade your house-hold.  10 OR 12 years ago The Chiristensons moved into the basement for 7 weeks between homes and Darrren put in a new BIGGER hot water heater, well Rob and Pam are down there now until their new house is built and Rob decided he needed a BIGGER water tank, one to enjoy his morning shower so I got a new one today and the higher toilets.   I REALLY NEEDED THESE AS MY KNEES ARE GIVING OUT AT 81, but he is only 56?  I would have been thrilled to have one up stairs but they also put one in my upstairs bathroom.   It has been a busy weekend for Rob he fixed the doggie door and put up some fun Christmas lights outside.  Love him and I hope he never grows up!  I can't think of a better Christmas Present.!  Didn't get much done today personally, but feel we had a great day......Have a busy week coming up with doctor appointment, bridge, luncheon and the condo meeting.  Bright and sunny today.....but chilly.

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