Monday, November 25, 2013

Chapter #18....round the world

  Growing up in all my wildest dreams I never thought I would make it to EGYPT!  Only in history books were the great pyramids, sphinx, deserts and camels and the wonderful Nile River. I had never heard of a Kartush....... (jewelry or picture with your name in their symbols.....which of course I had to buy).  We flew to Cairo with wonderful markets.  I don't think we missed a single temple....Luxor, Karnack etc.  We did a lot of walking but it was all different...and yet the same. We spent hours in the museum and got to see King Tuts treasures.  On the desert we took a ride on a first....and my last. Then a short ride down the NILE RIVER  in those interesting little boats called  'Fulukas' The last part of the tour was a five day trip down the Nile on a very interesting boat.  We stopped along the way every day.....more temples and wonderful new sights......and fun shopping.  Would I like to go back to Egypt?  Yes, but not until there is more peace there......but it will always be one of my favorite trips.

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