Thursday, November 21, 2013


Can you imagine a family this large?  This is not Marley and Izzy, but could be......several years ago Izzy had 10 puppies, and only 8 nipples so we had to keep rotating them so everyone got a turn.  The puppies grew up to be beautiful dogs.......Tonight Karrie and Scottie brought MarMar and Iz over to spend the Thanksgiving week........ for me to tend while they take off for St Thomas. It was my turn because Karrie had tended my dog, Pams and Dons while we all went to Nicci's wedding in September.  We are a family of dogs that is for sure.
I Was excited to hear Leslie bought a house in Mesquite.........She will be a lot closer to me now.  Dukane lives there and her only daughter moved to St. George.  If I didn't have two daughters here in Salt Lake I would be tempted to join her.  Off to Chihuahua's for lunch today with Pat and Lavern......been a long time since we had gotten together.  It has turn cold and rainy today.....Condo meeting tonight.

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