Friday, November 22, 2013

50 YEARS AGO TODAY.........

5o years ago today President Kennedy was shot in Dallas Texas.......I think we all remember where we were that awful day!  A terrible thing for any country to go through.  However if that happened today????? I don't think there would be as many tears!
Yesterday at lunch with two old friends we got into a conversation about religion.  One friend is very, very catholic, I am Mormon but the other friend is nothing?  I love her dearly but worry about people who do not have God in their life, it doesn't matter what religion..... everyone needs some religion......she is kind and good and generous but who does she thank at night when the day is done?
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, I'm more than my appearance after all......We must believe that or the mirror will play a larger part than we would like in our self-image.  Now days Television, movies , magazines try to convince you that image is everything.  Staying young, flat stomach and weighing what you did when you were 16 is not only desirable.....but the pressure is on."  I think God disagrees.  He says your image is a reflection of His own.  But you can't see this kind of image in the mirror.  God is spirit, something you can't see. You were created in that image, created to reflect love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace.  You'll never find these in your bathroom mirror.  Instead, look at the reflection your life casts on those around you, That's where God's image can most clearly be seen. You can somehow see and feel it when a person is spiritual and very comforting to be with.  You need to surround yourself with this kind of people.  Kennedy was a strong Catholic.

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