Saturday, November 30, 2013


Yes, travel does keep you young,,,,,,,It does this by simply putting you in situations that make you feel like a child again.  When we are very young, everyday we discover some thing new in our world. Magically lost in a moment of discovery we forget our age as we see, hear, feel, smell or taste something new on a trip. Beautifully confused it could be the first time you awaken to the 5:00 AM call to prayer from the local mosque on Morocco's far Atlantic shore, (oh yes, I remember that day), the first time you feel the weight of the Egyptian sun on your shoulders, (Yes, I remember that too), the first time you paddle out over the shallow reefs of the Caribbean, or the first time you realize that people living in squalor can achieve happiness as easily as those living in mansions.
These are life's opportunities to shed the hustle of modernity and join the moment your heart races.  Every thing is new again.  Just keep sipping Jet-Stream!  The twins and their families finally got home three hours late last night......Darren's keys were locked in his truck and  ON STAR could not get it opened they got a motel room.  No way to end a vacation. Karrie, Scott an Annie came and got the dogs this morning and cleaned my whole house.  Then we zipped off to JOAN'S to buy material for Annie a Christmas blanket and then up to the Outlets to shop for her a new dress for the Christmas Dance!  A fun day.   Leslie called and she was almost back to Winslow....a busy month ahead for her getting packed and moved on top of Christmas.

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