Sunday, November 3, 2013


This is the Great Salt Lake Valley.......The land where a piece of my heart is, for a number of reasons.  The mountains, weather changes and good people......oh yes, and my family and our church....temple....... make this place HOME.  Since I arrived in January 1954 I have lived in a total of 8 different houses in this town. I lived in 2 different places when I was flying.  Got married and lived with Vadal, then to a little house on the West Side, then our first home on Millcreek Way..  Off to Denver one year , then back here and in two different houses on Lauri Kay Drive and after the divorce to my condo here on Madrid.  So feel I have checked out this little valley......and love it.
It is human nature to think negatively.  Studies show that negative thoughts and emotions are quicker to form, attract more of our focus, and more likely to be recalled than positive one.  Confidently people are not immune to pessimistic self-talk, but they also recognize and value their strengths....and you should too.  If you have trouble pinpointing your positive attributes, think of one of your traits that has served you well.  Seems all I can think of now days is the hazards of Obama care in my life.....I am old, and all my health care is being taken away or doubling in can I be positive?
Think impeccable with your word.  Don't take anything personally.  Don't make assumptions....your not a mind reader. Always do your best! Oh yes, Betty.......things happen for a reason......just believe.

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