Monday, April 29, 2013


Well when your having fun......time really my yesterday's blog I listed 67 years ago I was was really 57 years.  Maybe it just seemed like 67 years!!!! Any way life goes on.
I always thought when a person loses their mind....they lose all of it.  You know wake up one morning and get the paper in your underware--blishfully unaware that your funchioning member of society card had just expired.  But, it seems it starts kinda slow and sneaks up on you.  Maybe for everyone it is different.
Struggled out today and went to a funeral of a dear neighbor, met a friend for coffee and bought dog food and by then I was dragging.  I heard on the five o'clock news some cucumbers sent in from Mexico to the west had sent some people to the hospital with solminella poisoning...I've been using them in my green drink I blend everyday......I wonder if that could be the problem?  I don't have time to be sick.   Life should be about splurging on experiences.....not things!

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