Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Sad but true, but every day finds each one of us a little older!......But some of us are older than some of you.  Monson talks about charity which seems to relate to aging.  Yes, living with older people does take having more patience.......they are slow, forget they already told you that same story a dozen times, can't remember the names of the children or grandchildren. They are having to adjust to all this as do their family and friends.
I love Robert Kirby and have followed him every day in the paper.  Today he was bemoaning the fact he will soon soon be six decades and he has over heard his daughters comment on his doings as "Yeah, he's getting weirder.  We have to watch him closer." They give him a WRTTEN list before he goes to the store, then calls him at the store to be sure he hasn't lost the list?  When he tends the grandchildren, his daughter asks them " has Papa been good while I was gone?" indicating they were tending him.......People will tell you that age is just all in your mind? Well I have noticed age isn't just in my mind, when I get up each morning it is in my back and in my knees and in the mirror when I brush my teeth. As long as I am still handled with respect.....not just handled.....I will welcome each birthday and take what each day brings, and thank God for it.   I don't use the word old, but elderly.  I am more patient with slow drivers, slow walkers, people who can't make up their minds or remember a word or name......been there done that!  I love all my friends because we can laugh about it all and realize we are not alone in our funky, weird elderly ways!
Today's news still the awful bombing of the Boston Marathon and our weather is 15 degrees colder than normal for this time of the year and we are all getting tired of it........

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