Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Life's Challenges.......

Good news, bad news.....went to the dermatologist, no cancer but a couple of months of rubbing my face with some ointment to get ahead of it.....never a dull moment.   Still cold and I am dying to plant some flowers, but I guess I better wait another week or two.
Why is it, when you are young, life challenges come at you with such speed that it becomes all we can do to deal with each new situation.  But, as we handle each challenge according to our present abilities or circumstances , we mellow and new things become less of a challenge.  I find at my age not many things tip over my wagon....I guess health becomes our biggest issues, but if we take it one day at a time we realize we can survive most anything.  
"Why brace yourself for the worst when you can embrace the best?"           

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