Friday, April 5, 2013


I have done my share of traveling, over 100 countries, six of the seven continents and 48 of the 50 states, but I have discovered there are many places I have yet to see! "PLACES OF IMAGINATION" I have a new Bucket List.  Some of our most beloved places started as figments of someone else's imagination, yet feel so real we daydream about visiting them. The people who are responsible for these great places are doers, believers, thinkers and dreamers that have given us many hour of pleasure.  I would love to visit Atlantis, Camelot, The Emerald City, Gilligan's Island, Narnia, Neverland, The Secret Garden, Shangri-La or Sleepy Hollow.  There are many more the list is long.......I would love to visit Bedrock and have lunch with Barney. Gilligan's Island always looked so much fun and had some interesting people that lived there......back then.  And the chocolate Factory.....I did visit Hershey, Pa, and they had Hershey candy everywhere, but no real Chocolate Factory! Not too crazy about visiting Jurassic Park, not into dinosaurs. But as you can see there are many places in our world.....real or imaginary that I still have to visit.
Calls from Disney Land confirm everyone is having a good time. Now Disney Land is a destination of some one's imagination that I and many have been able to visit.......  Sherrie made me a disk of Alex's first year on his mission.....I cried all the way through it, I didn't realize how much I miss him!!!! Stay well and safe my sweet missionary.

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