Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Who are we really?  I am not a name or a height or a weight or a gender.  I am not my age and I am not where I am from.  I am my favorite books and the songs stuck in my head.  I am my thoughts and what I eat for breakfast.  I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother and a friend, I am a 1,000 things but everyone choose to see the million things I am not!  No, I am not where I am from, I am where I am going and the person God made me to be......I am still searching for his reasons though.
"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance"....Oscar Wilde
Moving fast into the middle of April and we got an all out warning of a huge storm moving in last night.  Winds 50 to 60 miles an hour and to tie down everything.  The Cooks came by to see my new patio and we dismantled it so nothing would blow away, today the sun is trying to shine but it is freezing cold outside.  Oh where is Spring?
The three C's in our life;  CHOICES,...CHANCES....CHANGES....You must make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE or your life will never CHANGE.

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