Friday, April 26, 2013


Well, my last blog was about my three oldest grandchildren and what cute, cute little ones they were.  Each so different but special in their own ways. You watch them grow to adults and wonder which paths they will take in life. Seems like yesterday I was going to Challenger pre-school to watch the Halloween and Christmas programs where only a proud grandmother squatting on the "little chairs" crowded into the play room could feel your grandchild was the cutest and smartest one preforming!  You can see from this picture what great people they grew into.....I like to think I helped along the way shape them????.....but we are all good friends and are still making memories.  I hope all through their lives they stay close and good friends and share memories with each other to the end.  Looks like a quiet weekend at my house....just me, Marley, Izzy and Gigi.

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