Monday, April 1, 2013


April Fool's Day fell the day after Easter this year and today was very busy.....This was my roommate on the cruise to Alaska last year, we had a lot of fun!  That was not an April Fools Joke.....Off to mail my bills early, pick up my income tax and buy some patio furniture!!!! It's all Pannier's fault they were looking at new furniture for their cabin's patio.  I decided I had had the big round table and 8 chairs long enough and they took up too much room and I never used them anymore, now the grandkid's are grown and not around much.  I bought some wicker and have lots more room on the patio.....I love it already..... Had a doctors appointment, then called my sweet grandson and asked if he would help his dad pick up and deliver my new furniture, he was right on it!  Now I can hardly wait for the weather to stay nice and I can start using it a lot. Oh yes, my sister told me she was moving from Winslow to Mesa and I am thrilled, a month in the sun every winter would be fun......Well Happy April Fool's Day to everyone, it was a special day, I got emails from both my missionaries!

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