Sunday, April 21, 2013


Happy Birthday to Kennedy, my eighth grandchild.  This is a picture of him with his Gram when he received his Eagle Scout certificate a couple of months ago.  As you can see he has out grown his Grammy by a head or more 15 he is 6 ft. It is scary to think he will soon be driving.  He loves swimming, scuba diving and all kinds of mammals.  He is an expert when it comes to building with "Lego's".  He and I love to dance my kitchen....he loves chocolate anything....pudding, milk, ice cream. It seems only yesterday he was this tiny little thing with blond curls and big blue eyes......I love you Kennie. 
How would I like to be remembered?  Well, I like the word "magnanimity".....which doesn't mean you have to be rich or famous, just 'the best of the best' in your life and circle. To me it has to do with people like "good" church leaders and the pope, in the good things people do for others and the world to make it a better place for many.  I don't see it in the president or political leaders as anything good they do will be for their own benefit regardless of how it hurts the people they represent. Yes, magnanimity is a big word and is a big responsibility if you want to be known by it. 
My Sherrie has been REALLY sick with the flu and I wish her well today.  Sick is no fun for anyone.

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