Monday, April 8, 2013


This is one of my lucky granddaughter Nicci. Nicci works for General Mills and this month there is a big push on Lucky Charms Cereal and Nicci seems to know" Lucky" very well. I consider all my 9 grandchildren as my lucky charms......each one has given my life so much to be thankful for. "Happiness is found along the way of this journey we call life, not at the end of the road."
There is no tomorrow to remember if we don't do something today. As the saying goes, "you pile up enough tomorrows and you'll find you've collected a lot of empty yesterdays."  Don't let the most important things pass you by as you plan for an elusive future.  Instead, FIND JOY IN THE
I love my blog and have always loved journaling because we write to taste life and in the days to come.  Blogging and journaling freeze time.....good times, bad times, hard times, happy times, sad times.  We need all these times in our lives to round us out.  We won't appreciate the good times unless we have had some bad times.  From our bad times we learn to do and be better so we won't have to experience them again.  I have been through them all but because of so many wonderful LUCKY CHARMS in my life there is one thing I have goes on.

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