Friday, April 12, 2013


Patty and Ruth came over to coffee this morning and I ask them, "Do you know what I was doing 45 years ago today?".......I was having twins!!!! What a great day, our family had waited so long for a baby sister, then we hit the jackpot and got two. This is Sherrie and Karrie with baby Marley.  I can't even tell you the fun of having twins......especially identical twins who are mirror imagine left handed and one right handed. I am so thrilled they still love each other....and many stories of twins competing and ending up enemies.  Their 6 children (3 each) adore each other and their mothers.  Yes, people still get them mixed up and they sometimes end up wearing similar outfits.  Thank you GOD for these two beautiful girls so Pam had some sisters...... being an only child is no fun......... 
I have found when nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself.......If nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself......It's not up to other people to keep you  encouraged.  It's up to you.  But, encouragement should come from inside.
Sherrie and Darren came by and we went to lunch for her birthday, and Karrie came by and I got to wish her a happy birthday.  Pam called......her last day of work at the U....... and was off to their cabin with the good news William has a job!  When you can talk to or see all three girls the same day......LIFE is GOOD! and the sun is even shinning today!

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