Thursday, April 4, 2013


Here I am livin' it up at the Red Onion Saloon in Alaska!  If you would ask my grandmother what an 80 year lady should be wouldn't be having a Bloody Mary in a saloon.  Notice I am wearing my garter on my arm...not leg! Succulent is an interesting word. ....choosing deliberate acts of personal revolution. It means waking up embracing your true stuff, studying your patterns and letting out your most alive self!
When you think of succulent you think "young, wild succulent women".  Well, I have news for you there are also
"old, alone and succulent women!" If you fling back your head or hair, wear something that all your friends raise their eyebrows at or dance alone in your kitchen to your favorite "oldie" are  an "old, alone and succulent person".
If we give in to our fears, being old and being alone....we come up with a terrifying phrase "old and alone, yet, why is it so terrifying?  Every day, everyone gets older.  One day you wake up an old woman.  We can be a fabulous old women or a crabby, unwilling old women.  It's your choice.  If age brings health challenges we can meet the challenges with love and resistance, allow or reject.  Not always easy.  There are great parts of being alone......welcome any alone-ness and magnify the goodness in it.
Yes, I will always be a succulent wild woman, no matter my age.  Beautiful day with the next four days forecast to be raining and cold.  Took Annie and two friends to the airport, they were going to LA for cheer competition.  Karrie, Rich and Scottie drove all night to get there......the Christensons flew their plane down yesterday to meet them. Oh, those good ole days at Disney Land are over for me, but I have many memories from way back when we took Pam a couple of times a year when it first opened.

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