Sunday, April 28, 2013

67 years ago........

Interesting what can happen to you in 67 years.  This day 67 years ago I was 24 and excitedly getting ready to be married in my home town of Mancos Colorado.  My father walking me down the isle.
And then 30 years into the marriage he walked out on his family......But, that's OK.  We pulled together and showed him he would not destroy our family by leaving.  I was so angry for many years he would do this to his girls....but I have lately forgiven him because it was a blessing to have 27 years of freedom from his truancy.  I got half...... so he has provided well for me since he dumped me and I have been able to to do nice things for his children and grandchildren.  He is lonely and old and has a lot of time to think about his choice.......HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BETTY.
Had a miserable stomach bug all weekend and not got much done but sleep......but had three good baby tenders.  Marley has not left my side.

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