Thursday, April 11, 2013

FED UP.........

You know I thought after the last presidential election I would settle down and accept my fate that the Obama's will put upon us BUT for some reason every day I say WHY?So with some Final words I say.........' You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy into the poorhouse.  What one receives without working creates slothfulness, while the person earning it becomes resentful of having others live off of their labors. There are few who resent helping those who can't care for themselves,but many have no use for the scores of pretenders, most of whom actually understand that you cannot multiply wealth by dividing it, but don't care as long as they get their handout without putting forth any effort. So when 1/2 the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the working half gets the idea that it's labors are for naught because someone else will reap the benefits they so diligently earned it is the beginning of the end of a nation?  It only stands to reason that when a government begins giving freely to the slothful, the hard earned money off its workers, the government can just as easily take away whatever from whomever, it chooses at any time for any reason, appropriate or not,,,,,,,,,ISN'T IT TIME TO PULL OUR HEADS OUT OF THE SAND AND SEE THE LIGHT?'
My prayer is that I can live long enough to see our country change back to the people in charge. Sooooo, I will take the good I do have in this day, love of family, friends and good health and ENJOY IT!!!!

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