Monday, April 15, 2013


The most dreaded day of the year is here.....I start stressing right after New Years about doing my income tax but usually don't do anything about it until about the first of March.  Papers, receipts, etc. covers the dinning room table a couple of weeks and then I finally get it to Mike my tax man by the end of March.  He is very efficient and I got my tax in a week ago!!!!! April is a very busy month for my family.....The twins birthdays, mine, grandson Kennedy, little brother Jim and favorite cousin Lucille on the same day.....oh yes, was also my my other life. Good luck to all you "last minuters"......
A good thought:  Silence and Smiles are two powerful tools, Smile is the way to solve many problems. and Silence is the way to avoid many problems.
Seems I notice as the birthdays keep coming my life is more enhanced by "Treasure Hunts"....everyday I am faced with hunting something so I wrote this poem......
Treasure hunts, Treasure hunts.....what can I say?  Seems to be how I spend my days.  Car keys, house keys, a bill that is due, phone numbers, hearing aids, cell phone.......I haven't a clue.  They all have a place they should be, not hiding as you can see.  But, I know as time passes, I'll find them all.....As soon as I find my glasses!  Bettie Ree 
Oh joy, it is snowing right now, big fluffy flakes and forecast to last most the week..........

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