Saturday, April 6, 2013


Today is  the 183rd Church Conference in Salt Lake and there is a lot of talk about missionaries and the many young people who have signed up to go on a mission......and yes it is raining......we couldn't have conference if it didn't rain or snow!  My two missionaries are much on my mind, are they well, are they safe, are they happy?  I can only wonder what is on a missionaries mothers mind the two years their kids are gone......and so far away.  My one sister had three boys and they all went on missions, one to Japan, one to China and one to Canada.  I am afraid I wasn't much comfort to her not realizing now what I feel. Alex and Richard were such wonderful boys before they could a mission improve them? I guess only they left boys and will come home men who care.  Alex told his mother when he left his last assignment he didn't get to tell one young man that was interested in the church good-by, so he wrote him a note and left him one of his white shirts and a tie so he could feel comfortable going to church....the people in Brazil do no have a lot of nice clothes some times.  I am so proud of Alex. Richard is in a small village in Mexico, water is hauled in to bath and do laundry.  He has ants crawling on the wall. Four nights the members had feed them fish or fish soup.......he didn't eat fish when he left home....Oh happy day? I am very proud of them and what they are doing is good.

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