Monday, April 1, 2013


Do we get caught up in all the colored eggs, stuffed bunnies and Easter candy or do we stop and  and say thank you to Jesus for why we are celebrating?  I have always loved Easter, but when I look back what I remember most was mother always made us a new Easter dress....I say us because she always made one for Jo and one for me just alike!!! We went to Grandma's or Aunt Frankie's for dinner and compare Easter baskets with our cousins.  We did always go to church that day, but not much the rest of the year.  This Easter I got to go to Idaho with the Panniers and we had a fun dinner before coming back to Salt Lake.  One of my favorite songs goes:  WHEN HE COMES AGAIN.......I wonder, when he comes again, Will herald angels sing?  Will earth be white with drifted snow, Or will the world know spring?  I wonder if one star will shine Far brighter than the rest: Will daylight stay the whole night through?  Will songbirds leave their nests? I'm sure he'll call his little ones Together 'round his knee, Because he said in days gone by, "Suffer them to come to me."

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